Testimony 227 in Narges Achikzei murder case
Shamelessly corrupt officer Anita Frielink (ps) of Zeist Police, who had handled the false report of Narges Achikzei in February 2009, supposedly feels terribly insulted and demands that Ralph Geissen be convicted of insult, libel and slander: (...) I am working as a chief constable with the Police Midden-Nederland in BES base team in Baarn (...)
After I received this information from this colleague, I went on Google to search for my name on January 11, 2017. I then found a video under my name on YouTube via the previously mentioned hyperlink. That video shows the same photo of me, as the one sent by Ralph Geissen to police colleague Hans Hameeteman on January 6, 2017.
On February 6, 2009, I had prepared an official report of findings as a result of the suspect interrogation of Ralph Geissen. This record of findings was posted on YouTube by a person unknown to me. The YouTube video first shows a picture of my face wearing a blue police cap. That photo was taken from my Facebook account. The person who took my photo from Facebook without my permission photoshopped the photo and added the police cap. I hereby provide you with an image and text of that photo, as well as the official report posted on YouTube, which is attached to this report.
The text under my photo reads:
Corrupt officer Anita Frielink (ps) of Police Zeist lied so that the former employer of con artist Narges Achikzei would be prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service for libel, slander and stalking by email. When Narges was doused with gasoline and set on fire by a sister of a friend of her ex-husband. Because she wanted to marry a man of her own choice and was in love with a Dutch man, the police fabricated jealousy as a motive to cover up corruption, scams and an honor killing. By that Dutch man, Ralph Geissen meant himself.
After suspect was heard he had shortly after posted a piece on the Internet about me being corrupt. Not only me, but the entire Zeist police force was said to be corrupt. He had put this on his own website, expiratieweb.nl of work. It was a public site.
(…) Then Ralph Geissen started a smear campaign against the police and against me. He said that I was a corrupt police officer who had distorted the truth and would be indirectly responsible for the murder of Narges Achikzei.
(...) Ralph Geissen emailed Hans Hameeteman that he posted the video on the Internet. Geissen has previously expressed himself in a similar negative way about me on public Internet sites. Also, this YouTube video contains a report of findings from me, taken from the file of his case.
So on Friday, January 6, 2017, he had sent an email to a police colleague with the exact same photo of me wearing that police cap. This is the same photo that was posted on YouTube. On January 10, 2017, the video about me had been posted on YouTube with the same photo.
The email address of the sender of that email to my colleague is geissen@gmail.com.
I find it extremely offensive and hurtful that the defendant portrays me in this way in the media with a picture he took from my Facebook. I experience it as a very serious and violent invasion of my privacy and, moreover, it damages my reputation as an officer. Anyone who Googles my name will see and read this. Mr. Geissen is spreading huge lies and insults about me.
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